IP Services

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Foshan :+86 757-86319673


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Best Value

We vouch for the quality of our work products and implemented rigorous quality control measures typically seen in large firms.  At the same time, we are sensitive to our clients' budget.  We adopted new practice management technologies to increase efficiency and reduce overhead.  As such, we combine large firm quality and efficiency with small firm flexibility and fee structure to create best value for our clients.

High Quality

we have the capacity to draft patent specifications either in Chinese or in English. During the drafting process we do not just passively receive information from the inventors. We actively probe the inventors, using their native language, on various aspects of the invention to ensure we understand the invention accurately so that we can devise an optimal protection scheme for the invention.


patent search

patent drafting (in Chinese or English)

Filing and patent applications

IP Portfolio Management

Patent Strategies and Counseling

Domestic and International Patent Prosecution

IP Due Diligence